Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Desayunar Conjugation in Spanish, Translation and Examples
Desayunar Conjugation in Spanish, Translation and Examples The Spanish verbà desayunarà means to eat breakfast. It is a regular -arà verb likeà necesitarà and ayudar. The tables below include the conjugations forà desayunarà in the present, past and future indicative, the present and past subjunctive, the imperative, and other verb forms. Using the Verb Desayunar The verb desayunar is formed with the prefixà des-,à which implies negation, likeà the English prefix dis-, and the word ayunar,à which means to fast. Therefore,à desayunar is similar to the English wordà breakfast,à which implies breaking the fast.à Other verbs likeà desayunarà areà almorzar,à which means to eat lunch, and cenar, which means to eat dinner. Unlike in English, for these actions in Spanish there is no need to use the verb to eat, since the verbs themselves already mean to eat breakfast, lunch, or dinner.à You can use the verbà desayunarà whenever you would say to eat breakfast or have breakfast in English. It can be used to talk about when, where, or with whom you eat breakfast, as inà Me gusta desayunar tempranoà (I like to eat breakfast early) orà Ella siempre desayuna con su madreà (She always eats breakfast with her mother), and it can be used to talk about what you eat for breakfast, as inà Tà º desayunas cerealà (You eat cereal for breakfast). Desayunar Present Indicative Yo desayuno I eat breakfast Yo desayuno antes de ir al trabajo. T desayunas You eat breakfast T desayunas huevos con pan. Usted/l/ella desayuna You/he/she eats breakfast Ella desayuna con su familia. Nosotros desayunamos We eat breakfast Nosotros desayunamos muy temprano. Vosotros desayunis You eat breakfast Vosotros desayunis en casa. Ustedes/ellos/ellas desayunan You/they eat breakfast Ellos desayunan cereal con leche. Desayunar Preteriteà Indicative The two past tense forms in Spanish are theà preteriteà and theà imperfect. Use the preterite when talking about actions that were completed in the past. Yo desayun I ate breakfast Yo desayun antes de ir al trabajo. T desayunaste You ate breakfast T desayunaste huevos con pan. Usted/l/ella desayun You/he/she ate breakfast Ella desayun con su familia. Nosotros desayunamos We ate breakfast Nosotros desayunamos muy temprano. Vosotros desayunasteis You ate breakfast Vosotros desayunasteis en casa. Ustedes/ellos/ellas desayunaron You/they ate breakfast Ellos desayunaron cereal con leche. Desayunar Imperfectà Indicative The imperfect tense can be translated to English as was eating breakfast or used to eat breakfast.à You should use it to talk about ongoing actions in the past. Yo desayunaba I used to eat breakfast Yo desayunaba antes de ir al trabajo. T desayunabas You used to eat breakfast T desayunabas huevos con pan. Usted/l/ella desayunaba You/he/she used to eat breakfast Ella desayunaba con su familia. Nosotros desayunbamos We used to eat breakfast Nosotros desayunbamos muy temprano. Vosotros desayunabais You used to eat breakfast Vosotros desayunabais en casa. Ustedes/ellos/ellas desayunaban You/they used to eat breakfast Ellos desayunaban cereal con leche. Desayunar Futureà Indicative Yo desayunar I will eat breakfast Yo desayunar antes de ir al trabajo. T desayunars You will eat breakfast T desayunars huevos con pan. Usted/l/ella desayunar You/he/she will eat breakfast Ella desayunar con su familia. Nosotros desayunaremos We will eat breakfast Nosotros desayunaremos muy temprano. Vosotros desayunaris You will eat breakfast Vosotros desayunaris en casa. Ustedes/ellos/ellas desayunarn You/they will eat breakfast Ellos desayunarn cereal con leche. Desayunar Periphrastic Future Yo voy a desayunar I am going to eat breakfast Yo voy a desayunar antes de ir al trabajo. T vas a desayunar You are going to eat breakfast T vas a desayunar huevos con pan. Usted/l/ella va a desayunar You/he/she is going to eat breakfast Ella va a desayunar con su familia. Nosotros vamos a desayunar We are going to eat breakfast Nosotros vamos a desayunar muy temprano. Vosotros vais a desayunar You are going to eat breakfast Vosotros vais a desayunar en casa. Ustedes/ellos/ellas van a desayunar You/they are going to eat breakfast Ellos van a desayunar cereal con leche. Desayunar Conditionalà Indicative Yo desayunara I would eat breakfast Yo desayunara antes de ir al trabajo. T desayunaras You would eat breakfast T desayunaras huevos con pan. Usted/l/ella desayunara You/he/she would eat breakfast Ella desayunara con su familia. Nosotros desayunaramos We would eat breakfast Nosotros desayunaramos muy temprano. Vosotros desayunarais You would eat breakfast Vosotros desayunarais en casa. Ustedes/ellos/ellas desayunaran You/they would eat breakfast Ellos desayunaran cereal con leche. Desayunar Present Progressive/Gerund Form The presentà participle, or gerundà ofà -arà verbs is formed with the ending -ando. It can be used to formà progressive verb formsà such as theà present progressive. Present Progressive ofà Desayunarà est desayunandoà She is eating breakfastà Ella est desayunando con su familia. Desayunar Past Participle Theà past participle of regularà -arà verbs is formed with the ending -ado. It can be used to formà compound tensesà like theà present perfect. Present Perfect ofà Desayunarà ha desayunadoà She has eaten breakfastà Ella ha desayunado con su familia.à Desayunar Present Subjunctive Que yo desayune That I eat breakfast Ana espera que yo desayune antes de ir al trabajo. Que t desayunes That you eat breakfast Pedro espera que t desayunes huevos con pan. Que usted/l/ella desayune That you/he/she eat breakfast dgar espera que ella desayune con su familia. Que nosotros desayunemos That we eat breakfast Paula espera que nosotros desayunemos muy temprano. Que vosotros desayunis That you eat breakfast Daro espera que vosotros desayunis en casa. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas desayunen That you/they eat breakfast Marla espera que ellos desayunen cereal con leche. Desayunar Imperfectà Subjunctive Theà imperfect subjunctiveà has two different conjugations, which are used in different Spanish-speaking regions.à Both options are equally valid. Option 1 Que yo desayunara That I ate breakfast Ana esperaba que yo desayunara antes de ir al trabajo. Que t desayunaras That you ate breakfast Pedro esperaba que t desayunaras huevos con pan. Que usted/l/ella desayunara That you/he/she ate breakfast dgar esperaba que ella desayunara con su familia. Que nosotros desayunramos That we ate breakfast Paula esperaba que nosotros desayunramos muy temprano. Que vosotros desayunarais That you ate breakfast Daro esperaba que vosotros desayunarais en casa. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas desayunaran That you/they ate breakfast Marla esperaba que ellos desayunaran cereal con leche. Option 2 Que yo desayunase That I ate breakfast Ana esperaba que yo desayunase antes de ir al trabajo. Que t desayunases That you ate breakfast Pedro esperaba que t desayunases huevos con pan. Que usted/l/ella desayunase That you/he/she ate breakfast dgar esperaba que ella desayunase con su familia. Que nosotros desayunsemos That we ate breakfast Paula esperaba que nosotros desayunsemos muy temprano. Que vosotros desayunaseis That you ate breakfast Daro esperaba que vosotros desayunaseis en casa. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas desayunasen That you/they ate breakfast Marla esperaba que ellos desayunasen cereal con leche. Desayunar Imperativeà In order to give direct orders or commands, you need theà imperativeà mood. Below are both the affirmative and negative commands for desayunar. Notice that there are differences between the two types of commands for theà tà ºÃ andà vosotrosà forms. Positive Commands T desayuna Eat breakfast! Desayuna huevos con pan! Usted desayune Eat breakfast! Desayune con su familia! Nosotros desayunemos Lets eat breakfast! Desayunemos temprano! Vosotros desayunad Eat breakfast! Desayunad en casa! Ustedes desayunen Eat breakfast! Desayunen cereal con leche! Negative Commands T no desayunes Dont eat breakfast! No desayunes huevos con pan! Usted no desayune Dont eat breakfast! No desayune con su familia! Nosotros no desayunemos Lets not eat breakfast! No desayunemos temprano! Vosotros no desayunis Dont eat breakfast! No desayunis en casa! Ustedes no desayunen Dont eat breakfast! No desayunen cereal con leche!
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